finding space

finding space

earlier this week we discussed what I’m coining the doll house effect: when the mind creates a set of structures, belief systems or internal environments that we unconsciously live within for years, without realizing there’s a bigger world of possibility for us to explore. 

the key to walking out of the doll house is harnessing awareness and reframing the narratives that shape your thoughts. doing this is a slow process, a lifelong project. it can be especially tricky when we lack the mental space to find perspective. 

this meditation prompt gives a foundation for finding quiet. personally, I find myself experiencing a physical sensation of pressure in my chest when I become overwhelmed by exterior occurrences. this manifests differently for everyone, but we all have ways our bodies alert us to mounting stress levels. 

I hope this prompt helps you let go a bit and feel a little lighter. taking this time isn’t selfish, it’s crucial–when we look after our well being, we engage everything with more ease and compassion. 

thinking of you all!



the world is a very full place. living within it can feel like being in a crowded dance hall, where everyone is dancing to a different rhythm. it seems possible to tap any dancer on the shoulder and engage with them at any time. 

in the midst of all this, it’s important to find a way to access quiet, to allow your mind to reset. 

so that we may move through the world with grace and compassion for ourselves and others. 

without a reset, pressure can build up and become too much to bear. 

finding a physical space to do so can be challenging, but if you make a space within, it will always be there for you. just as you would furnish a home with comforts, go to a place that feels like home for the spirit. this place exists beyond the limits of the physical. 

perhaps it’s a never ending meadow, where flowers of all hues dot the horizon.

maybe you find a haven on smooth stone river banks, where the sun plays upon the water. 

it can be a space of pure light, where the body is limitless, one with your surroundings. 

however you wish to imagine it, make sure you have enough room to breathe, to feel your energy flow with ease. 

when you travel to this space, you’re visiting a sacred space within your heart. 

take specific actions in the physical realm that support the mind when it returns to this space -- whether that’s sitting in the same position, bowing the head before beginning or cupping your hands, one palm placed in the other, open to receive. 

when you turn breath into a ritual, it can help activate the space of calm that exists even in the face of external circumstances. 

breath can never be overrated, it is the tangible flow of energy, the constant exchange between internal and external worlds. the breath is a companion and like all good friends it holds up a mirror for our feelings and thoughts. 

try to observe the breath without judgement. experience the air as it passes in and out of your lungs. pay attention to its slight touch within the nose, the gentle cooling sensation at the back of the throat, and the subtle rise and fall that occurs just below your collar bones. these physical sensations draw you into the deep well of your internal world. 

by being fully engaged with the breath, the mind can be soothed into quiet, still like the glassy surface of a lake at sunrise.
this allows you to explore the eternal home of spirit. 

in this space you are always welcome.

meditation prompts
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James Francis